Internships for Academic Credit

Are you looking to do an internship for academic credit?

Utilize the pages below to help you navigate the internship for credit process. Discover information regarding requirements, registration, prerequisites, and more! For additional assistance in searching for an internship or learning more about internships for credit at RWU, visit Handshake to make an appointment with a CCPD team member.

Internship for Academic Credit FAQs

Looking for more information on Internships for Academic Credit? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to explore and navigate the process.

The Career Planning Seminar (CPS)

Beginning in Summer 2022, all rising sophomores are automatically enrolled in The Career Planning Seminar. All students looking to do an internship for credit must complete CPS at least one semester prior to registering an internship for credit. For more information on CPS, visit the Career Planning Seminar webpage.

Internship Requirements by Major

At Roger Williams University there are several academic programs that require internships for credit as well as programs that allow students to complete internships for elective credit. Click here for a complete list of majors and their requirements.

How to Search for Your Internship

Internships are experiential learning opportunities that provide a means for students to apply academic knowledge, gain valuable experiences, make connections, learn more about career paths and assess industry or functional ‘fit.’  Students are responsible for securing their own internship, with support from the CCPD available throughout the search process. Click HERE to learn more about getting started in your internship search!

How to Register an Internship & Deadlines

Once you have secured your internship, you will need to register it with the CCPD and ensure that it meets specific guidelines to receive academic credit. For more information about internship for credit guidelines and an overview of the registration process, click HERE.

Employer Guidelines & Policies

Visit the following page to see a list of requirements for employers that are hosting an intern receiving academic credit at Roger Williams University as well as policies regarding internships for credit HERE.



(401) 254-3224

One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809


Monday 9:00-4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00-4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00-4:00 PM
Thursday 9:00-4:00 PM
Friday 9:00-4:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

The Center for Career and Professional Development's service hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm.

The CCPD does not offer same-day appointments with Career Counseling Staff.

Drop - In Career Lab Appointments with a Career Peer Advisor occur 10:00am-3:00pm in GHH 117.